Books on Islam
Books on islam & muslims
A number of books and booklets are available to support better understanding of the beliefs and practices of a Muslim. Simply click Here to visit the dedicated GainHope website to see what is on offer. Please also contact us via [email protected] if you a need support to improve your learning or wish to purchase alternative resources. Insha-ALLAH we will do our best to assist.
Programmes on Islam
Programmes on Islam
A series of programmes to stimulate the mind and body through the beauty of the Deen… covering various aspects of Muslim beliefs and practices, including how to offer the daily Salah/prayers (step-by-step guide in 29 videos), the fundamentals of Islam, understanding the Noble Qu’ran and much more. Visit the dedicated YouTube channel at and take benefit from these beautiful practical tips, hints and knowledge.
Support & Offers
Support for new Muslims
New Muslim Care has provided help and support in so many ways to people new to Islam. From offering Eid Picnics to purchasing furniture for a new flat, from providing toys to children to giving food and food packs to families, from keeping children and families warm in the cold winters to giving a lifetime experience of visiting the Holy Lands for Umrah, from offering welcome gift packs to sponsoring Islamic course attendance. Lots of ways of giving a helping hand and supporting our brothers and sisters new to the Muslim family.
Events & Activities
Activities & Events
We recognise that for many New Muslims the challenge to become a Muslim is significant. Often, needing to isolate from their immediate families, contacts and circle of friends. For some, there is little opportunity to mix or to socialise for the very fact that their traditional friends and family members are unfortunately at a distance because of their new faith. We have thus organised several events and activities to help grow networks and aid social environments. Hopefully, though this, new friendships have emerged and sense of belonging amongst the Muslim community has increased.